Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back and Legs

warmup: 5min cardio
alternating close grip pullups with back extensions
1. 12 total / 25
2. 12 total / 25
3. 10 total / 20
4. 10 total / 20
5. 8 total / 18
6. 8 total / 18
seated row, single arm with single arm low cable row
1. 10 each / 12 each
2. 10 each / 12 each
3. 8 each / 10 each
4. 8 each / 10 each
5. 6 each / 8 each
6. 6 each / 8 each
- 20 airsquats
- 12 pushups
- lunge to end of first court
- sprint to end
- 20 airsquats
- 12 pushups
- jog to stairs
- 3 up downs

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