Wednesday, February 25, 2015


75 dumbell dead lifts
75 mountain climbers
75 tbar rows
35 plank up downs
75 back extensions
35 each arm bent over rows
5 stairs
75 shrugs
 outside abs
75 x 3
75 burpees

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Legs and Shoulders

50 weighted lunges
75 cable shoulder swings
100 bicycles
30 squats
50 smith standing military
75 box jumps
100 walking free weighted lunges
35 handstand pushups or clean and presses
50 burpees

Friday, February 20, 2015

Back and Chest

8 wide grip row / 20 pec dec / 50 mountain climbers x 4
12 decline press / 8 pullups / 20 back extensions x 4
6 flat press dbell / 8 lat pull close / 20 rope crunches x 4

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Legs and Chest

50 each leg - single leg leg press
150 low to high dumbells
10 stairs
Squat - weighted or air 30 weighted or 150 air
100 cable fly
50 up down planks
150 lunge pulse ( 75 each )
150 pushups
30 burpess
one suicide

Friday, February 13, 2015

Legs and Arms

75 leg press ( 3 x 25)
50 dips
25 burpees
50  weighted box step ups ( 25 each leg )
30 easy curl heavy
10 stairs
100 wall hold curls total
100 cables crosses
50 dead bugs
25 burpees

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chest and Back

Flat press / reverse grip lying pullup / side to side planks or mountain climbers
1.20 / 8 / 50 flip flop
2.15  / 10 / 50 flip flop
3.12  / 12 / 50 flip flop
4. 8  / 15 / 50 flip flop
5. 6  / 20 / 50 flip flop
6. 4  / 15 / 50 flip flop
7. 8  / 12 / 50 flip flop
8. 12  / 10 / 50 flip flop
9. 20  / 8 / 50 flip flop
100 Flat dbell hammer press
50 bent over rows each arm
25 burpees

Monday, February 9, 2015

Chest and triceps

20 pullups
50 pushups
dumbell low to high - reps starting at 12
100 incline tri cable extensions
75 straight leg situps

dumbell high to low - reps starting at 4
100 cable crosses
25 burpees

flat press drops
dip drops
10 stairs

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Back and Biceps

135 press to fail 
75 Row deads 
40 total heavy hammer curls 
6 dbell leg hold till fail 

6's - 6 pullups 6 heavy curls - 6 times 
plank reaches until partner ends 

36 bent over rows each arm 
72 incline dbell curls total 
150 hanging knee ups 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Legs and Shoulders

pullups to fail
pushups to fail
100 leg press ( sets of 20 )
100 total dumbell front raises
100 plank up downs

30 squats ( sets of 6 )
40 clean and presses ( sets of 8 )
200 bench weighted russian twists

100 upright dbell row
150 dbell weighted walking lunges
wall hold to fail
plank hold till fail

Monday, February 2, 2015

Chest and Tricep

150 flat press or dbells
75 kickback each arm
200 plank side to side

100 cable cross
100 high cable flys
50 hanging leg swings

150 Incline hammer strength alternating
75 skull crushers
300 mountain climbers