Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back and Biceps

warmup :


50 dead lifts
50 lying reverse grip pull- up
25 wall curls (heavy)
25 pull- ups or assisted
50 hammer strength preacher (light)
100 back extensions
75 straight leg dead
50 reverse row
50 burpees

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Legs and Shoulders

8 leg press
30 dbell front raises
8 squat
30 cable crosses
20 reverse crunches
- 15 pushup to clean and press
- close lunge to first court
- 20 upright row
- wide lunge to second court
- 50 standing plate twists

Friday, August 22, 2014


Deck or Cards
- lunges step forward each leg
- clean and press
- x 2 reverse grip push-up
- x 3 toe touches
- x 3 straight leg deads
- mid band , side band
- reverse grip low row
- strait leg sit up
- lunge step backward each leg
- front band
- burpees

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Deck of Cards

Deck of Cards - 3's
- dumbells swings each arm
- pushup x 2 / anastasia shoulder pushup x 2
- plank side to side x 3
- around the world
- low to highs x 2
- squat x 3
- kickbacks
- dips
- crunches x 2
- knee up pushups
- moutain climbers
- burpees

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back and Bicep

Wide lats
- 50 130 lbs
- 40 180 lbs
- 30 200 lbs

Easy Curl
- 30 25's
- 25 35s
- 20 45's

200 back extensions
100 rope curls

outside :
20 low row
10 curls
35 shrugs
5 stairs

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Legs and Shoulders

150 rock stars total
200 leg extensions
200 leg curls
- 15 squat
- 35 air squat
- 8 clean and press
- 12 press
- 10 burpees

Friday, August 8, 2014

Legs and shoulders

Leg Press Pyramid
15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15

50 seated reverse fly
50 plates raises
100 russian twists
static lunges 150 each leg
75 clean and press
75 burpees

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chest, Tricep, Abs

150 cable flys - bench - 50 high incline, 50 mid incline, 50 flat - sets of 25
150 hammer strength dips - sets of 25
150 leg swings
15 smith incline negatives - 3 sets of 5
10 + 5 neg cable tri cross - 3 sets
3 leg holds - 3 sets
- 10 low mid high hold push ups
- 25 plate side to sides
- 4 weighted stairs

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chest , Tricep, Abs

100 pec dec drops
100 tricep extension drops
200 leg swings (seated )
20 incline flys
35 standing plate twists
12 overhead dbell extesions
x 3
10 smith close grip press
10 reverse grip press
25 side to side hanging knee ups
x 3